没有目标就没有方向,每一个学习阶段都应该给自己树立一个目标。威廉希尔app 特此为您编辑了关于父母做家务的初中暑假英语800字作文,希望帮助到大家。
Another Sunday, my mother worked at home, I answered the post-operation, not to play the moment,quickly, and at this time, I saw my mother in the work, suddenly, I came up with idea to help stem mother more household chores.
I do? Laundry? Mom has to wash. Vegetables, my mother has been finished yesterday. Clean up the house, by the way, I would like to help clean up the house mother. Home not only to clean up a house, Hey! This will look at me.
First things I placed well, yesterday my brother came, he just threw the toy, do not take the time to return to the starting position, so I have to pick up one by one, and then add back, put away toys after . I would like to display sofas, sofa mess of a corner, a bed, I spent a tremendous place only after the sofa. Placed after things, I would like to make the bed, make the bed which can be difficult!this angle, the angle of distortion,the angle, the angle and distortion, and I thought how my mother used to shop, by the way, together with two pull angle, then why not on the list.I have come to a paved. I would like to do it right, there are many dirt floor, I took a vacuum cleaner to clean it smoking, the larger things that I found on the hands, I trouble. Finished, I tired, almost a stand.
Through today's domestic work, I know that parents are very tired every day, every day for my cooking, washing clothes, I do, meals to mouth opening, clothing to hand all day to live a carefree life. Parents in order to reduce fatigue, I will have to help with household chores.
以上就是由威廉希尔app 为您提供的关于父母做家务的初中暑假英语800字作文,祝学习进步。
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