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初中暑假的英语作文300字:My Family’s Favorite Food



以下就是威廉希尔app 为同学们搜集的初中暑假的英语作文300字资料。希望同学们学习进步。

there are 3 people in my family: my father, my mother and i.

my father likes sweet. so he likes apples, pears, cakes, bread and ice-cream. my father doesn’t like hamburgers, french fries, salad or chicken.

my mother likes tasty food. she likes broccoli, cabbages,french fries, apples and carrots.

i like hamburgers, french fries, vegetables, egg, ice-cream, apples, pears, broccoli and beef.

we have breakfast at 7:00. at noon, we have vegetables, beef, some soup and some rice for lunch. we have dinner at 7:00. often we have mutton and pork. sometimes we have noodles, tomatoes and tofu for dinner.

上文就是威廉希尔app 给您带来的初中暑假的英语作文300字,希望可以更好的帮助到您!


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