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初中年级的暑假英语作文420字:How I spend the Spring Festival



以下就是威廉希尔app 为同学们搜集的初中年级的暑假英语作文420字资料。希望同学们学习进步。

how i spend the spring festival

in china, the spring festival is the most important holiday. it’s just like christmas day in western countries. people like eating, drinking and playing “majiang”. they enjoy going to movies and temple fairs as well as visiting relatives and friends. in china, people like to set off firecrackers but now in some big cities it’s not allowed because it’s too dangerous. on the first day of spring festival, children wear new clothes and their parents give them some money.

in the morning i get up early and go into my parents bedroom calling out“happy new year.” after that, they give me a “hongbao”. this money is given to children for good luck. i can use it to buy lots of my favorite things. then my family goes to visit our relatives and friends.

it’s a very interesting day and i like spring festival very much!

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