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初中生的优秀英语作文:我的金钱观 My View on Money



没有目标就没有方向,每一个学习阶段都应该给自己树立一个目标。威廉希尔app 特此为您编辑了初中生的优秀英语作文:我的金钱观 My View on Money,希望帮助到大家。

Many people regard money as the most important thing in their life, but I don’t agree with them. There are so many things that money can’t buy. The first, money can’t buy us knowledge, abilities and experience. The second, money can’t buy us a happy mood and a good health.


However, money plays a significant role in our daily life. We can’t live without it, because we have to use money to buy our daily necessities, like food, drinks, clothes, books, and so on. And we also need money to pay for our houses and education.


All in all, we should have a correct concept of money. We can’t live for money, but take it as a tool leading a better life.


以上就是由威廉希尔app 为您提供的初中生的优秀英语作文:我的金钱观 My View on Money,祝学习进步。


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