威廉希尔app 作文频道为各位同学准备了初中生英语作文:我的祖国的资料。希望大家认真阅读。
China is my motherland that is a great country. It has a long history of more than five thousand years. It’s one of the Four Great Ancient Civilized Nations in the world and it’s the only one that still exists. Therefore, there are many brilliant heritages leaving by our ancestors, such as paper-making, gunpowder, compass and so on. Moreover, it’s a modern country now. In the past sixty years, China has greatly changed and is one of the fastest growing countries in the world. People’s life standards have been increasingly improved that no one could imagine before. After the Beijing Olympic Games and Shanghai World Expo, the influence of China on the world has greatly enhanced. Therefore, there are more and more foreigners visit to and work in China, because they are so curious about our country and to some of them, it’s the land of hope. I am so proud of my motherland and I am sure that it will be better in the future.
以上就是由威廉希尔app 为您提供的初中生英语作文:我的祖国,祝学习进步。
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