威廉希尔app 小编为大家整理了初中生的英语作文选集:我的父亲是公交车司机。希望大家可以认真阅读。
My father is a bus driver. He has been working on it for more than ten years. He drives the No.9 bus of my city. Its routine starts from the east and then cross the city goes the the west. This work is toilsome, especially in the summer and winter, because it's hot in summer but cold in winter. Everyday, my father just stays in the narrow place and barely moves. He always gets up very early and comes home late. His work is boring but my father says that he must work hard to support our family. I hope I can grow up quickly and have a good job, so that my father do not have to work so hard.
以上是由威廉希尔app 为大家整理的初中生的英语作文选集:我的父亲是公交车司机,如果您觉得有用,请继续关注威廉希尔app 。
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