作文频道小编为大家寻找了初中生的英语作文范文:我在亲情中成长的资料。如有帮助,希望大家下次一定要浏览威廉希尔app 。
Tough love
"These English words must be in today all remember, you don't want to go out!" The father in command me, he always like this, use the command tone to let me do something. Father is strict with me, because he wants me to be a cautious man. I understand him, but sometimes I will complain. At this time, he gave me a glance, a stern look always again and again the earthquake live I, I have to continue to learn.
His father's strict requirements, so that my academic performance make a spurt of progress. Every time I got good grades, I will always remember his father's strict, stern family.
Warm affection
"Little girl, on my way to school, be careful." "good daughter, I bought you bread, go to eat." similar words daily non-stop playback, but I was worth the trouble, and my heart but very warm. Such is my mother, inquire after sb.'s life every day, in every possible way for me. I like a seedling, was the mother of carefully plant. Hurt, mother take care of me with great care, treatment of the wound. Even if the wound again deep, also is a mother's love heals.
Mother's love, I tightly wrapped. Many times, in can not help between meaning, will think of mother's warmth, then wipe wipe away the warmth of the family.
Sweet family
"Sing, a new poster, I bought you a!" Jo always that sweet voice calling me, listening to the heart extremely sweet. Both of us are sound control, sometimes a new poster if I didn't have time to buy, she would help me with a. Joan and I are not friends, but loved! She is like my family.
There is a fresh thing, I first want to tell people that she. And Joan in every time together is sweet -- is the sweet love.
Flowers, because growth in the soil, so it is so beautiful. Fish, because growth in the water, so it is so lively. I, because growth in the family, so can the healthy development.
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