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Why do we choose to go to the middle school? Some people say that we can learn many basic knowledge in middle school, while others say that only we go to the middle school can we study further in the university. They both are right, but I think the most important is during the middle school, we can learn to study. Study is a lifelong matter. Going to the school is the basis of study, because it can bring us knowledge as well as give some instructions to study. Compared to the whole life, the years in shcool seem short. If we have the abilities of independent study, we can get learn anytime and anywhere. Therefore, teaching students how to learn is the goal of middle school education.


以上就是由威廉希尔app 为您提供的初中年级的英语优秀作文:中学教育的目标,愿大家有所收获。


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