没有目标就没有方向,每一个学习阶段都应该给自己树立一个目标。威廉希尔app 特此为您编辑了初中生的英语作文范文:最快乐的时光,希望帮助到大家。
I remember last summer vacation I went to a beach to spend my holiday.It is a beach in the north TaiWan I stay there for a week with my family in a high class hotel near the beach.It happened that my father's friend was the manager of a hotel so we could have better rooms.Everything seen as expensive and big in the hotel room.The bathtub was big and could massage.The bed was big and comfortable.The window was big and I can see the beautiful beach through the glass.
I remember one day I went to the beach with some other kids in the hotel.We brought a lot of stuff such as:a beach ball,water guns,some snacks and drinks.We had a lot of fun on the beach.We played beach vollyball and some games.At about six o'clock,we sat on the beach,watching the sun set and chatting about nothing.The sun set was the most beautiful one I've ever seen.At that time,I really wanted the time to stopped for ever.
On the day we will leaving we took a lot of picturs in the hotel and outside the hotel,too.I also exchange my MSN count with some friends there and we're still good friends now.When I got in the car I went to goodbye to my friends then I looked at the beach.The trees near by the beach were bolw by the wind and looked like they were waving goodbye to me.What a wonderful ending for my vacation!I think this is the happiest moment in my life.
以上就是由威廉希尔app 为您提供的初中生的英语作文范文:最快乐的时光,祝学习进步。
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