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优秀的初中生英语作文:参观博物馆 Visit Museum



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Last week, I visited the geological museum with my best friend, Liu Bing. It was my first time to go there. The moment we arrived there, we found that the building was grand. When we walked into it, there was a big hall in front of us. And then there were several rooms to show different kinds objects. There was a room for collecting scripts and paintings. There was another room to store clothes and shoes in the old times. The next room was for collecting the daily necessities in the old days. In a word, all the things in it had a long history. I learnt some knowledge from it.


以上就是由威廉希尔app 为您提供的优秀的初中生英语作文:参观博物馆 Visit Museum,祝学习进步。


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