威廉希尔app 作文频道为各位同学准备了优秀的初中生英语作文范文选集:reading的资料。希望大家认真阅读。
At present only a few stndent do some reading after class. Here are several reasons: First. A part of stndents are so busy that the haven’t time to do reading. Because the teachers give they too much homework. Second. A part of students are not spend time reading books at all. Because they haven’t used to read books and they spend lots of time playing games and chatting. Finally. A part of students apend too much time reading TV. So they haven’t think about reading books. I think we should do reading after class or in free. Because do some reading is good for our life and study. Here are several benefits: First. Do some reading can make us open and explaned the field of rision, to study knowledge. Second. Do some reading can make our make our life bacome more colourful, because it’s very interesting. We can do some reading when he feel tired and we want to relax ourself. Schools and student should have a good habit to do some reading, and they can set a form reading clubs. In form reading clubs, students can make good use of time to do some reading and they can learn from each other how to do some reading and some good ways to do some reading .And I will tell students. As a middle schools’ students, study is the most improtant thing for us. So for our study, we must learn some good ways from others’ good article. Next. I think schools should let student do some reading on Saturday or Sunday. What’s more! Schools should let a good teacher guidance students to learn how to read a good article and have benefits. Do some reading to expand our horizens, cuttivate our character, edify sentiment in the us. Students must remember to read well. Do you think it right? I think you can know what I mean. Because you can’t do some reading in your life. Believe me, please.
以上就是由威廉希尔app 为您提供的优秀的初中生英语作文范文选集:reading,祝学习进步。
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