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初二学生英语作文的范文:Learn how to swim



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On a sunny day, down by the river, a fishermen -who does not know how to swim- is in a world of his own, waiting for the fish to surrender and be the man's catch of the day, but in a slight error, the man slipped and fell into the river, all was seen by a young man who just happened to pass by, saw the whole scenario and saved the fishermen, the fishermen was quite ashame of himself for he a fishermen who can not swim, after the accident, the fishermen gave enough thought into wanting to learn to swim and thus beginning lessons for amatures whom do not know how to swim.

上文就是威廉希尔app 给您带来的初二学生英语作文的范文:Learn how to swim,希望可以更好的帮助到您!


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