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300字的初中年级英语作文:How to make a chili pas



How to make a delicious and scrumptious chili paste?In actual fact,it is as easy as ABC.You must prepare all the ingredients.You will need 20 dries chilies,2 stalks lemon grass ,2 bulb garlic,8 shallots,4 cm long thumb size tumeric and a piece of shrimp paste which is about 2 cm cube.

After preparing all the ingredients,you can put all the ingredients into the jar.You can add small cup of water.Then,place container directly into the base.You must bear in mind to keep on hand on the lid.

After that,you can press on button the machine will start to blend.The machine will also increase speed gradually.After a few minutes,you can turn off the electricity.You must wait for blades to stop moving.

The next step is you can check paste.You ought to ensure the chili paste is well-blended.Last but not least,you can pour it out into a container.Now,you can serve it with your lunch or dinner.300字的初中年级英语作文:How to make a chili pas


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