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300字初中英语作文:How to protect myself i



Nowadays, with the growth of economy, agriculture and industry,the fire accident takes place more and more often. As a middle school student,I think it's our right and responsibility to learn how to protect ourselves in a fire drama.

First of all,how to find the fire is especially important. If you find the fire very late, you may miss the best time to escape. You can feel the door with your hands. If it's hot, then there must be a fire outside. You should wet some towels or sheets. And put them along the bottom of the door .

In addition, escaping is very important as well. If your flat is near to the ground. You can make a rope with your sheets. Then you can fasten it around your waist and fasten the other side on your bed or window. Next,you can climb through the sewer pipe to the ground safely.If your flat is really high. You'd better stay in the room and wait for the firemen to save you. You should lie on the floor because the air there is the clearest . When the firemen arrive, you can wave your hands and shout. It will make them easier to recognize you.

In my view, if you learn all these escaping skills above. You will be safe and sound!300字初中英语作文:How to protect myself i


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