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In my view, helping others is a kind of happiness. Although it's not easy to do,l feel happy from it.When somebody is in trouble. I always help him figure out the problem. And we both enrich our minds and learn a lot.

Some people may think that money is happiness. But l don't agree with them. It's true that you can do lots of things you want to do and realize your dream more easily with money. However,money is not everything. People can live a wonderful life without money. Thomas Edison was really poor in his childhood.But he studied very hard and became an well-known inventor eventually.

As a student,our job is to study hard. We can find happiness from it. For example,reading books can bring us a lot of fun and happiness.

The hard we study, more happiness we will find. And we will have a better life in the future!初一的英语作文200字:Happiness


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