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优秀初中英语作文:人类与环境 Human and the Environment



下面就是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的优秀初中英语作文:人类与环境 Human and the Environment,希望能为大家的学习带来帮助,不断进步,取得优异的成绩。

Last weekend, I wanted to swim in the river that I usually wen in the childhood. When I went there, I was shock. The river is no longer like before. It was full of rubbish. It seemed that the rubbish is from the villagers themselves. In order to put the rubbish nearer, they put all of them into the river. Not only the water is not clean any more, the river also smelt bad. I real touched. Why human and the environment couldn’t live harmonious? Long time ago, they could get along with each other. Why not now? People have to stop their behavior to harm the environment. Otherwise, it would cause destruction to both sides.


小编为大家整理的优秀初中英语作文:人类与环境 Human and the Environment就到这里了,希望同学们认真阅读,祝大家学业有成。


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