This summer I went to Niagara Falls with my cousin. We went on the boat. We can get our feet wet while we are on the boat-without touching the water; when we are on the boat we wear a rain coat. We can be in the US and in Canada at the SAME time. There is a game spot where we can play. We play Mystery Maze, and it was really fun. In the Maze you have to find the three tower and a sword, me and my cousin find all of it and make it to the end in 16min-faster than anybody else can.
Niagara Falls is so huge because of the gravity. It flows very fast; it’s called fast flowing water. The boat flows because of this fact, if a gravitational force is less then what the buoyancy force is, and then the boat will be able to float on water. There is a game called Mystery Maze. Mystery Maze is testing your sense of direction. So, how did Niagara Falls Form? The Niagara Falls was created about 10,000 years ago when ice melted the great lakes drained over the Niagara Escarpment to the Niagara River. The river cut through the Escarpment and made a sharp edge for falls初中三年级的英语作文:Niagara Falls.
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