I have a simple schedule in my binder. I only have six classes everyday.
My first and second period is Esl1. Mrs.Greeley is my Esl1 class teacher. Esl1 is an English class in my schedule.
PE is my third period class. I love PE very much. But it’s not my favorite class on my schedule. I love this class because I can exercise everyday and can play with my friends.
My forth period is Band. I love band. That’s my favorite subject on my schedule. I played trumpet. We have lots of free days in the band class and Mrs.W is nice to us. She always said we can have a party if you guys do well in the concert. Thanks god I could change to band.
Then, I have lunch. Kelvin always buys lunch for me. I love lunch time. I can talk and play with my best friends. There’re some good and bad memories for lunch time.
Last, I have physical science. I like this class because in this class, I can sit with my three best friends. Thanks Mrs.Dira lets us sitting together. But my science grade is not good. I’ll do better in my science class.
Finally, Algebra 1 is my last period on the schedule. I had Algebra Fundamentals before, but now, I moved a grade up. So I’m happy and Mrs.Johnson changed the seat. So I was sitting with Belle and Justin in my math class.
So this is my simple schedule初二的400字英语作文:My schedule.
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