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初中英语作文400字:My Winter Holiday



The winter holiday is coming.I am very happy.Because I don’t need to go to school,I can play at home.And I have a very happy “New Years”!

Do you know my life about one day in my winter holiday?Now, let me tell you.Usually I get up at seven o’clock.I have breakfast at around eight o’clock. But before then, I run thirty minutes with my sister. Then,I do my homework.I often have lunch at 12:30.After lunch, I watch TV.And then, I often go to the park to play. At 6:20 ,I have supper.In the evening, I often take a shower and do my homework. Last,I go to the bed at 10:00.

It’s winter, so the weather is cold. And it always rainy. Last week I went shopping with my mother. My mother bought a sweater for me. It’s warm.I like it.

Jauary 23rd is Spring Festival! There are many people set off fireworks and firecrckers. Our town square also has fun festival activities.It’s very lively! I like play games at there.I often get many red packets because guess riddles. I am very happy!

Today my aunt come to my house. She buy many gift for we.And give we red packets.But I am unhappy. Do you know why? Because my finger hurts.It’s painful.

Recently, I like the TV series “nine fine”。 It is a traversing drama.That is very interning! I watch them on TV every day. My favurite movies are comedies and cartoons. What kind of movies do you like?

This is my holiday.初中英语作文400字:My Winter Holiday




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