Today it is thanksgiving day.I couldn't help thinking of my grandparents .My grandparents are very special to me.they have worked hard all their lives and sacrificed a lot for my family.not only that,but they are also special friends to me.They are easier to talk to than my parents and they are very kind to me.for example,my grandmother makes me delicious things to eat and my grandfather often takes me fishing.
In addtion,they are the leaders of my family.they are full of wisdom and know the stories of our ancestors.they are the ones that hold our family together.as a result,i owe them a great deal,but i don't know how to repay them.all i can do is cherish them and never take them for granted.My grandparents has more than 70 years old and their health is not so good .I often worried that i will hear the sad news of them in the next time.
But this is my grandparents初中的英语作文350字:My grandparents!
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