I love my special backpack because it’s can help me a lot and it’s very light. My awesome backpack is purple and middle size. I love purple. The trademark on my backpack is Jansport. I think it’s
very popular in America because you can see many students wearing Jansport.
I have lots of things in my nice backpack. The trademark on my wallet is Metoo. I bought in China. Metoo is a bunny. Inside I have a library pass and a walnut library card. My pencil case is simple. It has a pretty decoration and a lock. My translate is nice. It helps me a lot with my vocabulary.
My best friend Connie’s backpack is middle size the same as mine. Her backpack is pink with the jansport trademark.
Her backpack has a few things inside. She has a black binder with Super Junior stickers and her schedule in the front. Super Junior is Korean group. She loves them. She has AR books and some notebooks. She has two pencil cases. One pencil case is for class. Another pencil case is for art.
So this is my backpack and my best friend’s backpack. I think they are great初二的英语作文350字:My backpack.
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