what his name? I don't know. He is which? I still don't know. Only know that that's not the local dialect. Live in where? I don't know more. -signature
That day, I stepped into the school gate the bell rang, I come to the classroom. The people behind block I forbid I go, said: "please show me your tags." My dynasty he look at, despise an attend to say: "didn't bring, could you take me how wear." Quick step aside, I have to go to the lecture? I hurriedly before I leave, but he a big hands I grasped back. Q I call a few class, that we bring back the teacher in charge. From then on, I hate to him is like bone. Every time I saw him on a few words will scold. Vomit a tongue. Hum……
One day, the day was very cold, on the road was frozen. Originally road is slippery, I walk, and slow. To a school, just entered school to a motorcycle behind. I panic god, a fall. Don't know who pulled me aside, at the same time motorcycles and I put the shoulder. I was about to thank the help benefactor, and looked up is he? I started. I said, thank you, and return to the classroom初三的英语作文300:I found his charm.
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