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初中英语作文:两种不同的生活方式(Two Different Lifestyle)



Everyone has their lifestyles. Here are the results of Peter’s and John’s lifestyle survey. Of course, their lifestyles are different.

Peter is pretty healthy. He is active and exercise every day. But John hardly ever do some sports. When Peter is at school, his eating habits are great. He tries to eat a lot of vegetables. And he usually eats vegetables seven times a week. And John sometimes eats it. He never eats fruit or drink milk. John's habits are different from Peter. Peter has fruit and milk every day. His mother says they are good for his health. As for junk food, Peter only eats it once a week. But John likes it very much. He eats it three or four times a week. Peter's sleeping habit is the same as john's. They both sleep nine hours every day.

So you see, Peter's healthy lifestyle helps him get good grades. But maybe John is not very healthy, although he has one healthy habit.


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