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2016年万圣节英文诗歌:One Inch Tall




2016年万圣节英文诗歌:One Inch Tall

If you were only one inch tall , you'd ride a worm to school.

The teardrop of a crying ant would be your swimming pool.

A crumb of cake would be a feast

And last you seven days at least ,

A flea would be a frightening beast

If you were one inch tall .

If you were only one inch tall , you'd walk beneath the door ,

And it would take about a month to get down to the store .

A bit of fluff would be your bed,

You'd swing upon a spider's thread ,

And wear a thimble on your head

If youwere one inch tall .

you'd surf across the kitchen sink upon a stick of gum

you couldn't hug your mama , you'd just have to hug her thumb .

you'd run from people's feet in fright ,

To move a pen would take all night ,

( This poem took fourteen years to write ---

Cause I'm just one inch tall )

同学们,2016年万圣节英文诗歌为大家介绍完毕了,威廉希尔app 的作文频道编辑在这里祝小朋友们学习进步。




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