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暑假见闻英语作文500字:See the summer vacation



这个暑假小作者和妈妈出去的时候,看到了很多事情,这些事情小作者非常难忘,那就和威廉希尔app 一起欣赏这篇暑假见闻英语作文500字t吧!

暑假见闻英语作文500字:See the summer vacation

In the happy summer vacation, my mother and I often go shopping, and several times I saw in the street of healthy beggar between vehicles and pedestrians, begging, they do not feel lose dignity, but mother always causes me to donate all the pocket money, I have to obedience to a mother, when I see these begging a healthy young man, my heart is not born, but disgust, because their body is perfect, but always take tea urn knelt on the ground block in front of the stranger said: "ah!" The words sound just fell and stretched out his hands to the pedestrians for money, don't just can do some work in one's power to maintain their own life?

Despite that life will be very poor, but I always think that it is the most wealthy, because his dignity, a kind of spiritual wealth can not be measured by money, rather than to their own dignity trampled underfoot let others look down upon, of course, there are some people with disabilities or a ragged old man, really hope you lend me a hand to help them, although those little money for us, but for those old people are really help. The classmates, let us dedicate their love to help people who really have trouble! Let's work together to improve the begging people find their own dignity!

以上就是威廉希尔app 为你推荐的暑假见闻英语作文500字,祝大家阅读愉快!





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