来源:互联网 编辑:sx_wuqb
随着下课铃的一声响,小朋友们的暑假生活开始了,在漫长的暑假里,有无限的快乐与欢笑,威廉希尔app 作文频道小编整理了“2013年初中生暑假英语日记”,快来看一看吧!
Today I went to a new class.Here I met many new faces. At first, I felt a little afraid and uncomfortable. I was afraid that I wouldn’t be accepted here, that I would have problems getting on well with others, that I couldn’t catch up with others, and that I couldn’t understand new teachers and classmates.
Now I know I was wrong. Just as the first class begin, as the first word the teacher said to me, as the first smile appeared on my face, I realized I had been a ‘real’member of this class.
But there are things I’m not yet used to, such as I don’t know a lot of words, and I always do things slowly. My ears are not good, but I’ve tried to catch every word the teacher says, and I can mostly understand her, and I usually know what she wants us to do, though a few words are not known.
I’ll try my best to follow my teacher and classmates and someday I can walk with them side by side, I believe.
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