来源:互联网 编辑:liuyh
编者按:威廉希尔app 作文频道为同学们搜集整理了描写秋天的作文:秋天来了(5)相关资料,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!
August eight Beginning of Autumn when 'Beginning of Autumn' is a lunar calendar festival. Do you know 'Beginning of Autumn' meaning of? Do not know I inform you of a bar right away! 'Immediately' the character representative starts ', 'autumn' represents autumn, come to be to have started autumn , have been just autumn. Autumn has come , the weather has been also nice and cool a lot of.
Certainly also some leaf has been blown an assured source of life by wind, before overhead dance in the air being beating the whorl son , come from above like yellow butterfly. Ascend a height being looking for going to , have flown just like a crowd oriole spreads the wings. Autumn wind inswept , leaf has fallen behind numerously and confusedly , has been a fallen leaf on the ground, the image has laid a layer of thick gold carpet. Maple's leaf is that a slice is flaming but although great majority leaves all become withered and yellow, that they strew with the emerald green pine is really exceptional one world brocade together. Leaf has come off , the group has spent an atrophy when autumn wind comes to lead, when the dew ready-made frost,only the chrysanthemum faces the wind but withstands frost immediately, in full bloom! Autumn wind straightens the 'rustle' that leaf blows making a sound , has let small grass be changed for yellow nightclothes going to sleep peacefully such as one berceuse. Autumn rain has drifted in that open space , has soaked the earth on the branch, has soaked a building if fog, is silent,
autumn is to be rich in a quality suggestive of poetry or painting what!
I love autumn!
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