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Finally came to the May Day holiday, I can play well, dad and I were supposed to the May Day going to jstars courtyard to play.

We drove to the shanxi taiyuan, hear jstars courtyard house is the best preserved.

To jstars courtyard, we hired a tour guide, the tour guide to take us to see, I looked around and saw all the polished tile house, very old, it's no wonder that so well preserved. In jstars courtyard, I counted, there are 20 yard, large and small 313 houses. Jstars courtyard every side in the street, the street are all sell things, between the yard and the yard road all can have a car.

I heard that "and" raise the red lantern "and" jstars courtyard 'is taken here, it seems this is a very famous jstars courtyard! Jstars courtyard in accordance with the traditional way, north three compound, from east to west in the old hospital, northwest 【五一英语作文】hospital, study court. Three compound in turn to the south to the southeast, southwest hospital, a new school. The six yard of appellation. On the northwest school, originally a small courtyard, family school for jstars, so called the school study. After breaking up, Joe Miriam intends to build gardens, from a crumbling Taigu County large house bought a full set of rockery. When was built, "the July 7th incident" broke out, the Japanese aggression against China, project stopped. The Japanese occupation period, the whole family fled, leaving empty courtyard, only part of the family care. Continues today, jstars courtyard has become a dazzling pearl northern dwellings.

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