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圣诞节中文手抄报内容、圣诞节基于耶稣受难日。由于耶稣死亡的确切日期在四本福音书中没有明确记载,早期的基督徒试着去推测,得出大约在3月25日或者4月6日。根据圣经旧约预言救世主将死于整岁数或者他降临的某一个整年,基督徒以此来推算耶稣的生日:耶稣受难日加上9个月就是他的生日——12月25日或者1月6日。但是这种说法从来没有被耶经学者们认可。只是某些基督教会欺骗非基督徒的幌子。实际上复活节的日期每年都不一样,死亡日也就不一样,而同时历法也是一片混乱。在假设新约没有说谎并无视四大福音书自相矛盾之处同时假设最后的晚餐是逾越节晚餐的前提下,西元2003年罗马尼亚天文学家Liviu Mircea和Tiberiu Oproiu计算机计算的结果耶稣死亡日期是西元33年4月3日星期五下午3点。牛顿算的是西元34年4月23日。即使如此,不同的假设和前提得到的计算结果都是不同的。

圣诞节英语手抄报内容:Christmas two, based on good friday. Because the exact date of Jesus' death in four of the Gospels are not clearly documented, early Christians try to speculate, that around March 25th or April 6th. According to the Old Testament prophetic Savior will die of age or he comes one year, Christians in order to calculate the birthday of Jesus: Jesus' crucifixion day plus 9 months his birthday is in December 25th or January 6th --. But this claim has never been recognized by scholars. Only certain Christian will deceive the non-Christian guise. In fact the date of Easter every year is dissimilar, date of death is not the same, while at the same time calendar is a mess. Under the assumption that the New Testament did not lie and ignoring the four Gospels stultify oneself place while assuming that the last supper was the feast of the Passover Dinner under the premise, in 2003 Romania astronomer Liviu Mircea and Tiberiu Oproiu of computer calculation results of Jesus death date is in 33 years in April 3rd 3 on Friday afternoon. Newtonian count is 34 ad April 23rd. Even so, different assumptions and premise of calculated results are different.

圣诞节手抄报内容英语是不是很好呢?同学们在欣赏的同时也要注意积累知识,多写多练,这样才能更好的提高自己的水平,威廉希尔app 作文频道伴你成长!






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