december 25th is the day of celebration and of fun and frolic. as the long awaited winter holidays arrive, christmas spirit builds up. the lovely snowflakes, our dear santa, decorated homes complete with whole range of christmas star, mistletoe, the good-luck plant, ivy, laurels and not the least the beautifully decorated and illuminated christmas tree are some of the inseparable parts of the picture. the soft music of the christmas carols and children eager to open their gifts certainly lend unique warmth to the coldest day of the year.
the birth of christ is perhaps the most popular festival around the world. the dark night sky, the chilly winters all just provide the perfect backdrop for the reigning red and green colors that cheer up the entire scenery. people visit their families and arrange some of the most lavish parties. the most awaited festival, the christmas signifies love and kindness, joy and happiness. the holiday spirit of the season in one word is - infectious!
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