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拥有好作文对于同学们来说是非常重要的,只有勤于写文章,你才能拥有一个好的思维表达能力。因此,威廉希尔app 特此为大家提供了学会感恩的英语作文,希望大家可以从中受益。


The thankful great universe provides the environment of existence for us and give us sunlight, air, water and everything in keeping with us existence of space, bring storm to let us accept to toughen for us, bring to us mysterious let us look for. The thankful parents give us the life, make us feel the merriment of the human life, feel the genuine feeling of the human life, feel the comity of the human life, feel happiness of the human life, also feel hardships and pain and sufferings of the human life! The thankful teacher works with diligence and without fatigue everyday of teach, give us knowledge ability, and put on the wing which flies toward the ideal for us. The thankful classmate and friend grow up with us and let us no longer stand alone in the itinerary of life. The thankful our country provides us with free books, dormitory and food. Whenever it is, we should keep a thankful heart towards everything existed. Only thus, can we become a useful man.

希望我们提供的学会感恩的英语作文符合大家的实际需要,更多的各年级同步作文、作文写作素材尽在威廉希尔app ,请及时关注!



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