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Today is May in Chinese lunar calendar is Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Dragon Boat Festival, the midday Festival, festival of May, five, AI Festival, end of day, noon, the summer festival. Although the names are different, the customs of people around the holiday is the same. Dragon Boat Festival is China more than 2000 years old customs, each to this day, each and every family were suspended as Zhong Kui, hangs the leaf calamus, dragon boat races, eat zongzi, drinking realgar wine, travel sickness, Perry sachet!

Morning, we began to pack dumplings, ready to feed my belly".". Said the Dragon Boat Festival, you must not know the Dragon Boat Festival knowledge, let me tell you the doctor about the Dragon Boat Festival knowledge!

Talking about the Dragon Boat Festival, we have to select a poet asked him to help us to start at the beginning of him, but he is He Fang divine? He is the famous patriotic poet -- Qu Yuan! Qu Yuan is the Warring States period abroad, very learned. He was an official in the image is the Chu side, our country rich and strong. He was a traitor to genius, Qu Yuan Xiaozhi exile. In exile, Qu Yuan heard that the Chu capital held by the enemy, the people in distress, very angry. The fifth in May this day, he came to the Miluo River, holding a piece of stone, to plunge into the Miluo river. Overseas people hear Qu Yuan River news, very sad. Their tears rowed to salvage Qu Yuan, also put the dumplings into the river to feed the fish in the hope that the fish, do not harm the body of Qu Yuan. This is the May festival dumplings.

I like the Dragon Boat festival.




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