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关于低碳环保作文50字:choose Low Carbon Life



为了防止自然环境的恶化,对青山、绿水、蓝天、大海的保护是必须而且不可避免的。威廉希尔app 作文频道为同学们收集整理了关于低碳环保作文50字:choose Low Carbon Life,希望同学们看后能够爱护我们的地球。

Boys and girls, The title of my speech is "Why don't we choose Low Carbon Life?" 2010 World Expo will be held in Shanghai. Shanghai Expo theme is "Better City, Better Life." As a student, we should do something about environmental protection. For example, plant trees, save water and less your car. We should take the lead in response to the government's call. Tree can make the air has become cleaner. We can make use of the water cycle, we mustn’t to always use clean water. We should tell our parents, less one day driving, it is very important to reduce the city's carbon dioxide. We can take the bus, subway, bicycle or on foot, which is also conducive to your health. I hope we can do it. Thanks!

关于低碳环保作文50字:choose Low Carbon Life是不是对你有所感触呢?希望同学们看后都能够保护环境,大家一起共同实践低碳生活,保护我们的地球家园!





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