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万圣节英语鬼故事:Wacky Halloween



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万圣节英语鬼故事:Wacky Halloween

Today is Halloween, ghosts and evil spirits of terror to go out, they want to make friends. On the way I met them, they don't eat me, don't frighten me, but asked me sunshine primary school there, how to go? I was scared and trembling, tremblingreplied: "over the road and then go to the right, then to the". They said thank you to go, they went to sunshine primary school, flew into the school, came to the playground, the students can see the devil and the Elves were scared and ran back to the classroom, lock the door. The devil and the elves you look at me, I look at you,said to himself: "it seems you do not like us, we still go back!" And then they both go sad.

After they went, I immediately ran home very quickly, but I did not think of is: a group of evil elf flew into my house, they were very naughty, everywhere luanpeng, I quicklypicked up the book, pulling clothes, messy work more than 2 hours, only then the group of elves off.

In the evening, as I lie in bed like today is how, why so many strange things. At this time, to the red door spread voice: "Mary, happy halloween!" I suddenly think of ittoday is Halloween, I quickly wear strange clothes and red out to celebrate Halloween.

这篇文章是由威廉希尔app 为你提供的万圣节英语鬼故事,希望能提高大家的写作水平。



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