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6. Currency fluctuations, political instability, and competition from national and regional governments and special interest groups can interfere with project management of international projects. Project managers for international projects should recognize the primary factors in cross-cultural settings and place special emphasis on

A. Establishing a performance reporting system

B. Developing a system to manage communications

C. Establishing and following a production schedule for information distribution to avoid responding to requests for in formation between scheduled communications

D. Using translation services for formal, written project reports

6. 币值波动、政治动荡、中央和地方政府之间的竞争,以及不同利益集团之间的冲突会干扰国际项目的管理。管理国际项目的项目经理应该意识到跨文化环境的主要影响因素,并特别重视:

A. 建立绩效报告制度

B. 建立沟通管理系统

C. 建立和执行产生进度表以方便信息分配,避免在定期会面之间出现情况的变化

D. 通过翻译服务起草正式的报告

7. You are working to close out your project. During these hectic final days of the project most conflict arises form-

A. Schedule problems

B. Cost overruns

C. Technical problems

D. Lack of customer acceptance

7. 你目前正忙着做项目的收尾工作。在令人兴奋的最后阶段,在下列哪个方面最容易引发冲突

A. 进度问题

B. 成本超支

C. 技术问题

D. 缺乏客户的认同

8. A person estimates that a commute will most likely take I hour. On further questioning, she estimates that the trip could take as little as 45 minutes, best case, or as long as I hour 45minutes, worst case, what is the standard deviation based on the estimates?

A. 10 minutes

B. 15minutes

C. 50 minutes

D. 60 minutes

8. 一个人估计她回家最可能的情况是花1小时间。她又进一步推算,在最快情况下要45分钟,最慢要1小时45分钟。基于这样的估计,这个人回家所花的时间的标准差是多少

A. 10分钟

B. 15分钟

C. 50分钟

D. 60分钟

9. Projects are particularly susceptible to risk because

A. Murphy’s law stated that “if something can go wrong, it will’”

B. Each project is unique in some measure

C. Project management tools are generally unavailable at the project team level

D. There are never enough resources to do the job

9. 由于以下哪个原因,项目特别容易受到风险的影响:

A. 墨菲定律表明:“如果可能会生问题,问题将会出现”

B. 每个项目在某些方面是独特的

C. 项目管理工具对于项目小组是不可得的

D. 完成工作的资源永远是不足的




10. What doctrine causes a party to relinquish rights under a contract because it knowingly fails to execute those rights?

A. Assignment of claims

B. Matebal breach

C. Waiver

D. Warranties

10. 根据什么理论,使得当事一方由于有意不实施合同权利而放弃一个合同下的权利?

A. 权利转让

B. 严重违约

C. 自动弃权

D. 授权





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