
2012-01-29 17:10:41 字体放大:  

6. Your company is establishing a cost of quality approach to determine the relative importance of its quality problems and to identify major opportunities for cost reduction. Your company believes this approach can help is evaluate its success in achieving quality objectives. When setting up this approach, you were asked to categorize four types of costs: prevention, appraisal, internal failure, and external failure. As you examine the cost of quality, however, you realize that training and its associated costs have become a major factor. Training costs are include in which one of the following areas?

Prevention costs

Appraisal costs

Internal failure costs

External failure costs

你们公司正在设立一个质量成本来判断质量问题的相对性,并以此来识别降低成本的主要途径. 你们认为这个方法有助于评估项目质量目标的实现程序. 这个方法启用后,公司要你将成本分为四类:预防成本、评估成本、内部不合格成本和外部不合格成本. 然后当你检查质量成本的时候,你发现培训及相关费用也是一个主要的影响因素. 培训成本被下列哪个方面之中?





7. Your organization is characterized by hierarchical organizational structures with rigid rules and policies and strict supervisory controls. Individual team members are not expected to engage in problem solving or use creative approaches to plan and execute work. But because a lot of company work involves crisis situations, this authoritarian management style has some benefits. Your organization is characterized by which one of the following theories?

Oucchi’s Theory

McGregor’s Theory X

Maslow’s self-esteem level

Vroom’s Expectancy Theory

你们公司是一家规则政策严格、监督控制严密而又等级森严的公司. 公司要求单独的团队成员不能独自解决问题或者采取什么创新性的方法来计划或执行工作. 但是,由于许多公司的工作都要涉及到很紧急的时刻,这种独裁的管理风格也还有些好处. 你们公司的特征符合下列哪种理论的说法?





8. You have prepared the scope statement and the WBS for your project plan. Your project is now under way, but you recognize that, given the nature of project work, scope change is inevitable. You also are aware of the danger of scope creep, having suffered the consequences of it recently. To avoid a similar experience, you meet with your team and decide to establish a project scope change control system. This is-

A collection of formal, documented procedures to define the steps by which official project documents may be changed

A documented process used to apply technical and administrative direction and surveillance to identify and document functional and physical characteristics of items, record and report change, control change, and audit the items and system to verify conformance to requirements

A set of procedures by which project scope may be changed, including the paperwork, tracking systems, and approval levels necessary for authorizing change

Mandatory for use on project so that the scope management plan cannot be changed without prior review and sign-off

你已经准备好了项目的范围说明和WBS, 你的项目计也已经被准备了. 目前你的项目开始实施了,但你认识到,基于项目工作的天性,项目范围的变动是在所难免的. 由于不久前你就经历过范围不断扩大的折磨,所以这次你对范围蔓延的危险特别留意. 为了避免类似事件的发生,你召集了团队会议要建立一套项目范围变更控制系统. 这是指


一套有证明文件的流程,用其来实施技术和行政的指导和监督以明确和说明项目的 功能与物理特征,记录并报告变化的发生,控制变化并对项目和系统进行检验其与要求的一致性

可以使项目范围得到变更的一系统程序,主要包括文书工作、跟踪系统和批准变更 必须的审批级别


9. When managing current projects, it is important to use lessons learned from previous projects to improve the organization’s project management process. Therefore, in project closing procedures, it is important to review the-

Secondary risks that occurred

Checklists for risk identification

WBS dictionary

Team members’ curriculum vitae

在管理当前项目的时候,运用从以往项目中吸取的经验教训来改善公司项目管理的流程是非常重要的. 因此,在项目收尾程序中,回顾下列哪项是比较重要的





10. You are working to close out your project. During these hectic final days of the project, most conflict arises from-

Schedule problems

Cost overruns

Technical problems

Lack of customer acceptance

你目前正在从事项目的收尾工作. 在这个令人兴奋的最后阶段,在下列哪个方面最容易引发冲突









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