
2012-01-29 16:57:20 字体放大:  

6. Lease and rental of equipment for short periods of time to perform specified project work is a common practice. The equipment poses ______ unless the contractor (lessor) ______.

No risk, abuses the equipment beyond fair usage

No risk, assumes title to the equipment during the use period

Risk, insures for damage or loss

Risk, denies liability during the use period

Risk, insures for the cost of lease, rental, or hire

在短期内租设备以完成特殊的项目工作是常用的方法. 设备引起______ 除非出租人______.

a. 无风险,滥用设备超出了正常使用

b. 无风险,在使用期间对设备假定权利

c. 有风险,确保损失或伤害

d. 有风险,在使用期间拒绝承担义务

e. 有风险,确保出租的成本

7. Uncertainty is often used in conjunction with the term risk, implying that uncertainty is risk. Uncertainty is an unknown situation, which may result from a lack of information to sufficiently quantify the probability of occurrence of an event and to determine the most likely outcome. Therefore, and uncertainty that has a potential for a major impact on a project should be:

Assigned a risk exposure index of 0.8 pending further resolution of the risk exposure

Ignored until additional information can be obtained to resolve the actual risk exposure

Studied to determine alternatives that may have a high risk index, but are fully understood

Resolved before project implementation, but must be resolved before starting that area of work

Resolved before project implementation or the project must be delayed pending a better understanding of the situation

不确定性通常被用作是风险的术语,暗示不确定就是风险. 不确定是一个不知道的情形,它可能是由于缺乏信息去对一个事件发生的可能性进行充分地量化,进而推断最可能的结果造成的. 因此,不确定在项目中潜在的主要影响应当是:

a. 对80%将来风险爆发的情形指定一个风险爆发系数

b. 被忽略直到得到额外的信息去解决暴露出的实际风险

c. 有计划的指定一个有选择的方法即可能有一个高风险指数,但是有足够的认识

d. 在项目执行前决定,但是必须在开始这部分工作前解决

e. 在项目执行前解决或推迟项目对未定状态达成一个好的谅解

8. A situation in which one of two or more risk events will follow an act, but the precise nature of these events may not be known and the probabilities of their occurring cannot be objectively assigned, is the definition of:




Risk adversity

None of the above

9. A proposed project will have an initial outlay of $1,500. At the end of year one, there is a 0.3 probability of loss and a 0.7 probability of a $2,000 revenue. At the end of year two, there is a 0.4 probability of a $200 loss and a 0.6 probability of a $5,000 revenue. Assuming an interest rate of 10 percent compounded annually, what is the expected net present value of the project?





一个项目的启动费用是$1,500. 在第一年末,损失$100的可能性是0.3,而收入$2,000的可能性是0.7. 在第二年末损失$200的可能性是0.4而收入$5,000的可能性是0.6. 假如年利率为10%,计算项目的净现值是多少?

a. $3,254.

b. $2,158

c. $450

d. (-$200)

10. The weatherman predicted there is a 45% chance of rain and a 10% chance that the rain will be accompanied by wind. What is the probability that the baseball game will be called due to rain and wind?





气象员预报雨天的可能性是45%同时10%的可能是风伴随着雨. 由于风和雨棒球比赛被召集的可能性是多少?

a. 4.5%

b. 45%

c. 48.5%

d. 55%





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