【摘要】威廉希尔app 为各位考生整理了复习辅导完形填空:机器人宁波中考英语,希望可以帮考生一臂之力。
Robots seem new to most people,but they have a long history. _______ (1) one was made by a Greek. The robots in the films are usually stronger, ______ (2)and clever than people. In real life,most robots are used in factories. They are used to do many dangerous, difficult or boring ______ (3)。Some people can't look after ______ (4 )and robots can help them. For example, some people can’t see, and they use dogs _______ (5)themselves move around. This kind of dog is called a guide dog. But now scientists are making robots to help them. In the future,robot dogs ______( 6)take the place of these guide dogs.
Today robots are _______ (7)used in American hospitals. In the hospital,a robot ______ (8)meals from the kitchen to the patient's room. It never loses its way because it has a _______ (9)of hospital in its computers system.
Robots can help us a lot of different ways. However,they ______ (10)take the place of humans.
( )1.A. First B. Second C. The first D. The one
( )2. A. fast B. more fast C. faster D. more faster
( )3. A. jobs B. work C. exercise D. works
( )4. A. them B. themselves C. their D. theirs
( )5. A. helps B. to help C. helping D. help
( )6. A. can't B. may be C. may D. must
( )7. A. also B. too C. either D, hardly
( )8.A. takes B. puts C. gets D. walks
( )9.A. paper B. map C. sign D. book
( )10.A. will never B. never will C. are never D. never are
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