【摘要】中考作为重点高中招生的选拔性考试,日益受到学生的重视。为此威廉希尔app 中考频道为大家提供2014年中考英语易错题,希望大家在复习的过程中有所参考!
1、( C ) I don't know to do with the maths problem. It's too hard.
A. which B. how C. what D. when
2、( D ) What is she her neighbour ?
A. quarreled with B. quarrelling with
C. quarreled about with D. quarrelling about with
3、( C ) He lives on the house and sometimes he feels
A. alone , lonely B. lonely , alone C. lonely , lonely D. alone , alone
4、( C ) Can you spend explaining it me ?
A. some time , for B. some times , for
C. some time , to D. sometime , to
5、( C ) He looks much because he eats than before .
A. healthy , healthier B. healthier , healthily
C. healthier , more healthily D. healthily , healthily
6、( C ) --- What do you call it in English ?
--- It's a knife , it is used cutting things .
A. to B. by C. for D. with
7、( C ) There is water left , you may drink it .
A. little B. a bit C. a little D. a lot
8、( B ) I enjoy English , it takes me a lot of time .
A. if B. though C. beacuse D. for
9、( C ) Please your eyes , let's play a game .
A. opening B. closing C. closed D. close
10、( B ) He left the room I could say something to him .
A. until B. while C. before D. during
1、My pen friend hasn't replied (reply) to me for a long time yet .
2、J.L. Likes children very much. She is writing (write) another children's book these days.
3、If you go to a hospital , you aren't allowed (allow) to smoke there .
4、Mother had no choice but to accept (accept) her friend's invitation .
5、Look! How terribly he is coughing ! He is suffering (suffer) from a bad cold these days.
6、My father was replying (reply) to a telephone when I got home .
7、I'm not very interested in it because it's the second time I have seen (see) it .
8、How many months is a year divided (divide) into ?
9、I feel even sleepier (sleep) today than yesterday .
10、I'm not sure if his advice is more valuable (value) than any other piece .
11、My friend Kitty seems to be always energetic (energy) and active .
12、Were your parents satisfied (satisfy) with your English names ?
13、I hope Yi Jianlian will be chosen successfully (success) as a member of NBA.
14、His mother is much stricter (严厉)than his father .
15、I'm often offered (提供) some money .
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