


【摘要】眼过千遍不如手写一遍,威廉希尔app 为了帮助在校初中生,特别整理了找出一条通往答案的路径丽水中考英语知识点完型填空一文,详情如下:

Suppose(假设)you are going to Boston, and you 1 the city

before. If someone 2 you about the interesting places in the city, you 3 to get some ideas of what you will see. But don’t have a 4 idea of where these places are or of how to find 5 . However, 6 someone has a map of the city and 7 you the main roads and buildings, you may say, “ Oh, now I see . I can find my way with 8 trouble at all ”。 Working in math is somewhat(有点儿) like trying to find your way 9 a new city. Perhaps the words may tell you some information and you have 10 it, but you can’t see any clear road 11 the answers.

Maybe you 12 a kind of map of the main roads in maths 13 you find your way. Explore(探究)what lies in maths, and 14 to find

the main roads. They will 15 you to the answer. If you can find the “map”,the maths problems will be easily worked out.

1. A. are going to visit B. once visited C. have never visited D. have ever visit

2. A. answers B. shows C. meets D. tells

3. A. begin B. like C. learn D. refuse

4. A. clever B. clear C. strange D. wrong

5. A. someone B. Boston C. them D. it

6. A. if B. though C. whether D. since

7. A. helps B. gives C. passes D. shows

8. A. not B. no C. some D. much

9. A. of B. to C. in D around

10. A. thought over B. heard about C. written down D talked with

11. A. with B. for C. of D to

12. A. need to have B. don’t need C needn’t D. in need of

13. A. help B. to help C. helps D help with

14. A. try your best B. take your place C. look up D walk on

15. A. keep B. send C. lead D. ask



【总结】以上就是找出一条通往答案的路径丽水中考英语知识点完型填空的全部内容,威廉希尔app 小编希望同学们都能扎实的掌握学过的知识,取得好的成绩!


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