五、短文填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
根据短文内容及所给首字母提示写出所缺单词, 并将完整单词写在答题卡对应题号的横线上。
It is not easy for a person to achieve the goal. No one can go through his whole life w 46 experiencing any hard time. When something troubles us, do we look on the d 47 side or the bright side? Here is a story that can p 48 it. Two salespersons, Jimmy and Harry, were sent to a poor country in Africa, where only f 49 people wore shoes. After they got there, they had to r 50 something back to their boss. Jimmy said, “It’s a pity that people here don’t wear shoes. Nobody is in n 51 of shoes. I see no promising future for our product(产品).” How about Harry? He said, “What a wonderful c 52 for us! People around the country don’t have shoes. I’m sure that we’ll sell a lot of shoes s 53 here.” Interesting, isn’t it? They went to the same country and s 54 the same products, but they had different thoughts in their minds, and the r 55 surely would be different. If you were the salesperson, which one would you like to be?
六、任务型阅读 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
British children are complaining about back pain because their schoolbags are becoming bigger and heavier. According to a recent survey made by the charity BackCare, 80% of British children carry too much weight in their bags, and in the most harmful way, on one shoulder. Some 12-and-13-year-olds are carrying up to 60% of their body weight on days when they have sports or musical instruments (乐器) to have to carry to school. The survey suggests that by 14 about half of pupils would be suffering from back pain.
BackCare recommends that they should carry no more than a fifth of their body weight, and warns that those carrying a third or more run a risk of harm. If the child is small, the problem will be big.
“There is little hope in us trying to protect adults' backs if our children are not protected,” says one of the men from BackCare.
56. The weight of heavy schoolbags is the ▲ of some British children’s back pain.
57.The charity BackCare is an ▲ that helps protect the children’s backs.
58. Carrying too much weight in a child’s schoolbag does ▲ to his back.
59. It may be ▲ for an adult to protect his back if it is hurt by heavy schoolbags at his childhood.
60. A 12-year-old boy Tom weighs about 30 kilograms. It’s better for him to carry at most ▲ kilograms in his bag.
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