( )31.—Would you like to have _____? —No, thank you. I’ve had enough.
A.anything more B.something more C .more anything D.more something
( )32.Don’t give up _____ you will never succeed.
A.and B.but C.while D.or
( )33.Trees can stop the sand _____ towards the rich farmland in the south.
A.moving B.to move C.from moving D.moves
( )34. — Hi, Jane, tell you a piece of good news. I _____ America tomorrow.
— Wow, have a good trip!
A.will leave to B.leaves for C.am leaving for D.going leaving for
( )35.She _____ walk at night. How brave she is!
A.dare to B.dares to C.dare not D.doesn’t dare to[
( )36.Listening, speaking and reading are all important _____ writing.
A.beside B.besides C.except D.expect
( )37.Peter’s Chinese was very poor when he came to China, so he couldn’t make himself _____.
A.understand B.understanding C.understands D.understood.
( )38.Teachers should ___ their students to practice ___ English as much as possible.
A.encourage; speaking B.let; speak C.make;speak D.keep;speaking
( )39. We'd better wait more minutes. I think Jeff will come soon,
A. a few B. few C. a little D. little
( )40. ---- Do you take exercise every day?
----Yes. I always thirty minutes after supper.
A. spend B. cost C. take D. pay
( )41. Where's Tom'? His mother ____ him now.
A. is looking for B. will look for C. has looked for D. Looks for
( )42. Each of the girls here __________ to the West Lake twice.
A. have gone B. have been C. has gone D. has been
( )43. About_______of the students in our class were born in the_
A. two thirds, 1990s B. two thirds, 1990 C. two third, 1990s. D.two third, 1990
( )44.A cellphone _____ a camera by most young people in China.
A.is used by B.used for C.is used as D.is used to.
( )45.—I hope you’ll have a good journey. — ______.
A. Well done B. Don’t mention it C. Certainly D. Thank you very much
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