Different people usually have different ways to stay healthy .In my opinion ,the most important thing is to keep a healthy attitude toward life .
It is true that physical reasons influence one’s health condition(状况)a great deal ,but at the same time ,we should not forget the other reasons .Many scientists have shown that anger, suspicion and worry are greatly bad to human bodies ,while being active can be a good kind of medicine for that .That is because being active can keep a good physical state .We healthy people are much luckier ,and therefore have more reasons to keep a healthy attitude to life ,no matter what kind of trouble life may give us .
People use all kinds of ways to keep healthy because they want to live happily .Then in my view ,no other way is better than keeping a healthy attitude toward life .It can make people happier and healthier both physically and mentally (心理上).
Seeing around us ,we can find many people are happy with their life though they are not rich .They are pleased with everything ,kind to the environment and people around them .At the same time ,they are asking the people around them to be happy ,to help others and to work for others .What a happy society it will be if all of us keep a healthy attitude !
( )55. What does the underlined word“suspicion”mean in the passage ?
A. 开朗 B. 乐观 C. 怀疑 D. 勤奋
( )56. Why do people use all kinds of ways to keep healthy ?
A. Because they want to live happily . B. Because they want to live longer .
C. Because they want to live richly . D. Because they want to live abroad .
( )57.What is the best way to make people happier and healthier ?
A. Keeping a strong body in life . B. Making much money from work .
C. Keeping a low attitude toward family . D. Keeping a healthy attitude toward life .
( )58. What does the writer try to tell us by writing the passage ?
A. How to keep a healthy attitude toward life .
B. The importance of keeping a healthy attitude toward life .
C.How do be happy ,to help others and work for others .
D.What a happy society needs most .
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