


Ⅲ. 完形填空(20分)

I always believed in the UFO, but I didn’t see one. My husband (丈夫) didn’t believe in UFOs before that  1 .

Last Friday night, he was driving home  2  work. He drove near a gas station (加油站) and saw a bright light. It looked  3  a light. It was low, and it wasn’t moving. So he didn’t  4  too much about it. He thought maybe it was a street light. So he  5  up further and then the light went off. But a few minutes later, it was on. He stopped the car. He  6  and looked around, but saw nothing.

After a short while the  7  was on again. He got in the car and drove another 2 miles to our house. He sat in the  8  for a few minutes thinking of what he saw. He got out of the car and the moving light went off. Then when he looked back, he could  9  it in the sky (天空). Then he was  10  it must be a UFO. He went into our house, and told me about it.

1. A. morning B. afternoon C. night D. year

2. A. before B. then C. of D. after

3. A. like B. of C. out D. over

4. A. watch B. look C. think D. guess

5. A. drove B. ran C. walked D. jumped

6. A. got in B. got out C. got off D. got on

7. A. noise B. train C. car D. light

8. A. gas station B. car C. bedroom D. office

9. A. watch B. hear C. see D. look at

10. A. bored B. sure C. interested D. surprised


Ⅳ. 词汇运用(10分)


1. I looked for my cat around the house, but I can’t find it a_________.

2. We have only one e________ for us to live on. We must care for it.

3. In m________ society, people use computers to help them finish some hard work.

4. Qi Jiguang and Zheng Chenggong were both national h________ in Chinese history.

5. It’s impolite to s________ at old people. Speak quietly, OK?


6. I followed it ________ (see) where it was going.

7. Lisa ________ (clean) up her room at 9: 00 last Sunday.

8. I ________ (play) computer games when someone knocked at the door.

9. Grandma ________ (cook) breakfast while I ________ (wash) my face this morning.

10. His flight to America ________ (take) off an hour ago.

Ⅴ. 句型转换(10分)

1. She was singing when the telephone rang. (对画线部分提问)

________ ________ she ________ when the telephone rang?

2. The students are having lunch now. (用at this time yesterday改写句子)

The students ________ ________ lunch at this time yesterday.

3. What a beautiful girl she is! (改为同义句)

________ ________ the girl is!

4. Dave lost his pet dog last week. (对画线部分提问)

________ ________ to Dave last week?

5. The students were having a meeting when the teacher came in. (用while改写句子)

________ the students ________ ________ a meeting, the teacher came in.

Ⅵ. 补全对话(10分)


A. There is much money and important things in my wallet.

B. While I was looking out of the window, I felt somebody give me a push.

C. I think you should call the police quickly next time.

D. But your bag was zipped then.

E. But I lost my credit card and my driver’s license.

F. Well, I was waiting at a bus station.

G. I forgot that until I felt again for my wallet when I was going to pay for a book.

A: Someone stole my wallet last Sunday.

B: Oh, no. What happened?

A:  1  I found a large crowd gathering at the bus gate when the bus stopped. I was the last to get on.  2  I felt my bag and found it was zipped.

B: Then what happened next?

A:  3  Then I found my wallet gone.

B: I am sorry. That’s terrible.  4

A: I am afraid that pick-pocket was so experienced that he unzipped my bag and then zipped it again.

B: How much did you lose?

A: Only $20.  5

B: What a pity!

1. _________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. _________ 5. _________


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