





1. Look left and right first before you c_______ the street.

2. Let’s walk there; you know, the t_______ is the busiest at this time of a day.

3. If you live in a tall building, you’ll have to take the e_______ up and down.

4. The temperature is really l_______; you’d better wear warm clothes.

5. Tom likes playing ping-pong, and he is a f_______ of Wang Hao.


at least, come along, have a party, help with, get along

6. I __________________ well with my deskmate because we have the same interest.

7. We were waiting for help when the policeman __________________.

8. Tom has __________________ three QQ numbers, but he hardly uses them.

9. They are _________, aren’t they?

10. David, could you _________ me _________ English homework?

Ⅵ. 短文填空(20分)


be, heavy, grow, happy, say

A small boy and his father were walking back to their home. It suddenly began to rain 1 . They did not have their umbrellas with them and there was nowhere to hide(躲藏)from the rain, so they were soon all wet, and the small boy didn’t feel 2 . While they were walking back to their home through the rain, the boy was thinking for a long time. Then at last he turned to his father and 3 to him, “Why does it rain, Father? It isn’t very nice, 4 it? ”“No, it isn’t very nice, but it’ s useful, Tom, ” answered his father. “It rains to make fruit and vegetables 5 for us. ” Tom thought about this for a moment, and then he asked, “Then, why does it rain on the road, Father? ”

1.________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________


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