


【编者按】为了丰富同学们的学习生活,威廉希尔app 中考频道为同学们搜集整理了中考英语名师指点:你不理财财不理你:五招助你不差钱,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!





Everyone has a bad financial habit. We live in a country that spends billions on advertising to make us want to make purchases; However, if you are looking to make change and break your bad financial habits use these tips. Remember: even though the habits are hard to break and require conscientious effort, there is payoff。





1. Pay bills when you receive them. Think of all the stress and anxiety that you experience when you put off paying your bills. When you receive the email notification or open the bill in the mail, take care of it. It will only take five minutes, and you won't be swamped with bills at the last minute。

1. 到手的账单及时支付。当你拖着账单不付的时候,想想堆起来的这些账单以后会带给你的压力和焦虑。留心电邮的通知和邮箱的账单。查看账单只需5分钟,却可以免除你在最后一分钟被未付款账单淹没的窘境。




2. Use cash and not your card。 You must have had a hard time controlling the amount of swipe purchases you are making. Minimize this urge by using your ATM card once a week to withdraw the amount of money you have allotted yourself for the week. Keep your cards at home, and even stow your credit cards in a hard to reach place in your closet to keep you from using them。





3. Buy only what you really need。 Most of us take impulsive shopping trips to buy items we really don't really need. Some claim shopping eases their tension, gets their mind off of other things, or gives them a boost of happiness. Take the time to figure out what spurs you to buy unnecessary items. Try to replace shopping with some hobbies like riding your bike or taking a walk with friends。

3. 购买真正需要的物品。大多数人都会冲动购物,买一些并不真正缺少的商品。有些人说,购物可以缓解压力,把注意力从其他事情上移开,或者提升幸福感。你应该去弄清楚是什么刺激你购买那些无用的商品,还应该其他爱好替代购物,比如骑车或者和朋友散步。




4. Track your expenses。 Sometimes restaurants and businesses will charge you the wrong amount, but you won't have the receipt to back up your claim. Other times, you might have insufficient funds for the check you just wrote. Keep your receipts, and spend a few minutes every night to double check your charges, and know the current balance of your bank account. It beats getting overcharged or having to pay an overdraft fee。

4. 核对费用清单。有时候,饭店和商户会多收费,你却没有收据为自己讨说法。或者,你可能开了支票,账户里却余额不足。你应该把收据保存起来,每天晚上花上几分钟核对两遍费用支出,清楚自己眼下的账户余额。这样做可以避免消费超额和透支。




5. Check your credit score annually。 Get in the habit of checking your credit score to make sure there are no errors or inaccuracies. If you do notice something wrong, you can send in correction letters, so your applications for credit cards, car loans, or a mortgage are approved。

5. 每年查看信用评分。养成查看信用评分的习惯,确认没什么差错。如果真的发现数据有误,可以发送修正信件到银行,这样他们就可以对你的信用卡、汽车贷款和房屋贷款的申请进行审核了。



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