


【编者按】为了丰富同学们的学习生活,威廉希尔app 中考频道为同学们搜集整理了中考英语名师指点:特殊连系动词一举拿下,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!


系动词是英语常见而又不是很好掌握的词类之一。be 是最常见的连系动词,用法相对简单、易懂。但除 be 之外,还有一些动词,从表面上看像是普通的实义动词,而实际上却具有系动词的某些句法特征,这些动词后面也可以跟形容词或名词等作表语。


The sun is hot. 太阳很热。

The sun shines hot. 太阳火辣辣地照着大地。

句(1)中的 is 是普通连系动词,不是实义动词;句(2)中的 shines 则为特殊连系动词,本身具有实义,只是在译成汉语时,它的词义不一定直译出来。


3.They are our friends.

4.They stand our friends.

句(3)中的 are 是普通连系动词;句(4)中的stand 是“特殊连系动词” ,有“竖持不动摇,仍然是”之意。



1. 表示“变成某种状态”意义的系动词:become , come , fall , get , go , grow , make , prove , run , shine , turn , turn out , wear , work。例如:

Our country is becoming stronger and stronger.

This great prediction has come true.

One after another, the three of them fell asleep.

Please don't get angry.

Xiang Lin's wife finally went mad.

You have grown so tall.

The instrument has proved most useful.

Their money was running short.

After the heated discussion many facts shone clear.

When she saw this, her face turned red.

The day turned out fine.

The cloth is wearing thin.

The button worked loose.

2. 表示“保持某种状态”意义的系动词:continue , die , go , hold , keep , lie , live , remain , rest , return , sit , stand , stay。例如:

I hope the weather will continue fine.

He went a child but returned a veteran worker.

The nation's unemployment rate held steady at 9 . 8 percent in August.

The thought lies heavy on his mind.

Liu Hulan lived a communist, and died a communist.

Little inconsequential items often loom large to invalids.

We must always remain modest and prudent.

We shouldn't rest satisfied with what we have achieved.

All the time she sat silent in the corner.

He stood 4 feet 9 inches. 他身高4英尺9英寸。

I still stand your friend.

The shop stays open till eight o'clock.

May you die sonless!

3. 表示“自己感觉或令人感觉”意义的系动词,常可翻译成“…起来”:appear, feel , look . seem , smell , sound , taste。例如:

He didn't want to appear a fool.

This appears an exception to the rule mentioned above.

Silk feels smooth.

He feels uneasy.

He looks quiet strong.

He seems quite happy.

The dish tastes delicious.


5. Science and technology are the primary productive force.

6. Science and technology constitute the primary productive force.




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