【编者按】为了丰富同学们的学习生活,威廉希尔app 中考频道为同学们搜集整理了中考英语名师指点:职场必看:老板最想解雇的五种人,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!
Cindy Alvarez directs user experience at Yammer. At the Failcon conference this week she did an insightful if uncomfortable talk about the five types of people she should have fired sooner.
Cindy Alvarez在Yammer公司负责用户体验。她在本周的一次会议上提出了一个很具有洞察力的看法,当然这也让人感到不太好受,那就是公司里老板应该趁早解雇的五种人。
1.The Early Hire: These are the people who begin working at a startup in its early days before the company knows what it will become. Over time, the business changes and suddenly that early hire does not quite fit in. It’s a tough situation for both parties but if the person is not the right fit anymore then it is even worse to put off the inevitable.
2.The Artist: The artists are common in startups. They are passionate and enthusiastic. They have great ideas. But when things don’t go their way, they drag their feet. They stop turning work in on time. The passion is not there. They will say: ”This is just not interesting to me.” They argue a lot if their idea does not get adopted. Their strong views tend to impact the team who tend to tiptoe around them due to their unbending views. At some point you can’t keep them around.
3.The Structured One: These are not startup people. They may have the experience and built product like what the startup is developing. But they are not flexible enough to adapt to the ever-changing need to pivot, to do something that may not fit with their rigid views.
4.The Hand-Me-Down: The hand-me-down is desperate to get away from their boss and the boss wants to get away from them. They are not incompetent but they consistently make little mistakes that add up. Those mistakes have a deep impact on the rest of the team.
5.The Failed Promotion: This is the person who delivered value in previous roles but in their new job they are just not cutting it. The person, the new role and the point in time of the startup may all contribute to the poor fit. It’s a step backward for the person to go back to their old job. Let them go and they may find a better role with a new company that better fits their skill sets.
Alvarez makes it clear that to survive you need to cut people out who don’t work and cut them out fast. It’s better for them, for the founder and the overall organization.
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