【编者按】为了丰富同学们的学习生活,威廉希尔app 中考频道为同学们搜集整理了中考英语名师指点:周末越睡懒觉精神越差,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!
Enjoying a lie-in at the weekend makes you sleepier during the week, according to new research.
Experts say that contrary to popular belief, sleeping in on the weekends does not help catch up on sleep lost during the week, but rather makes you even dozier come Monday morning.
They say that a lie-in on Saturday or Sunday disrupts the body's internal clock so much that it can be more difficult to wake up for work on Monday.
That is the finding of a study lead by Dr Gregory Carter, a sleep medicine specialist at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Centre.
来自德克萨斯大学达拉斯西南医学中心的睡眠医学专家Gregory Carter博士带领研究这一项目。
He said: "A great myth of sleep deprivation is that if we miss sleep over the course of the working week, we need to catch up on an hour-by-hour basis on the weekend."
The daily, or circadian, cycles guide the body's internal clock. People can delay their circadian clock, up to one hour, by sleeping in one hour or more over the weekend.
The problem is that after sleeping in on weekends, the brain's circadian clock can be delayed up to two hours, making it tough to get to sleep Sunday and even more difficult to wake Monday morning.
Dr Carter says going to sleep earlier is more effective than sleeping in later. Balancing any "sleep debt" from the work week can be accomplished by spending eight hours in bed.
Carter 博士说睡得早比睡得晚效率要高很多。要想平衡自己工作日和周末的睡眠,最好的办法就是睡眠满足8小时。
He said that when people are really sleepy, their brains rest more efficiently.
Dr Carter said: "To maintain our internal clock, we need to go to bed eight hours before our usual time for getting out of bed in the morning.Too many of us, however, stay up later on Friday and Saturday nights and choose to sleep in on Saturday and Sunday mornings.
"This pattern - combined with sleep-defeating actions that may include alcohol consumption and late-night checking of e-mails just prior to bedtime - makes for a painful Monday wake-up call."
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