



( )1.Granny looked for her book, but she couldn’t find it _____.

A. somewhere B. everywhere C. anywhere D. nowhere

( )2.-When did you ______the book to the library? -Yesterday afternoon.

A. borrow B. lend C. give D. return

( )3.The man took away the dictionary but did not ______.

A. pay it B. pay for it C. cost it D. spend it

( )4. English teachers often encourage the students _______ English aloud.

A. read B. reading C. to read D. readed

( )5.- ______he ever ______abroad ?  -No, never.

A. Did, go B. Is, been C. Has, been D. Has, gone

( )6. How long may I ______ the history books?

A. keep B. lend C. borrow D. return

( )7. She______ an English teacher.

A. uses to B. used to C. use to be D. used to be

( )8. One day the librarian ______ an idea.

A. came up B. came with C. came up with D. came up to

( )9. Now her lost books are usually______ the library.

A .returned B .returned to C. paid D. paid to

( )10. My hobby is ______all kinds of coins.

A. to collect B. collecting C. to pick up D. picking up


1-5. CDBCC 6-10 ADCBA


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